Birth Date
Enter your birth country
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Is the registered person a permanent resident of Mexico?
Is the registered person the owner of the account?
Is the registered person a politically exposed person?
Country of residence of the real owner
Country of birth of the real owner
Is the real owner a politically exposed person?
Birth country
Country of assignment of taxpayer identification number (or tax identification number)
Are the stocks listed on the stock exchange or in stock market?
Are subsidiaries with more than 50 percent of participation listed on the stock exchange?
Is the owner of the account a trust?
Is the owner of the account an exchange or financial house?
It's a company?
Country of residence
Does he have 25 percent or more of stocks?
Is the shareholder a permanent resident of Mexico?
Is he a politically exposed person?
This number is confidential and you must memorize it or keep it in a safe place.